Retrieving a Universal Tape with a Known Locator

If the Universal Record locator lawmaking is known, a Universal Record can exist retrieved by using the Universal Record Recall request. Whenever possible, any PNR data stored in the Universal Record is validated against the PNR data in the provider'due south system.

Notes: If the UR locator lawmaking is non known, meet Searching for Universal Records.


See the following transactions for Retrieving a Universal Record:

  • UniversalRecordRetrieveReq
  • UniversalRecordRetrieveRsp


  1. Ship UniversalRecordRetrieveReq with the following minimum information:.
    • Credentials required for admission. To retrieve a Universal Record, the UserID in the Credentials must match the credentials used to create the Universal Record or be an ID that has branch access to the original ID.

    • A valid @UniversalRecordLocatorCode.

  2. Enter @TravelerLastName and ProviderReservation @ProviderCode and @ProviderLocatorCode to recollect a PNR and utilize the traveler last name for validation.

  3. Notes: @TravelerLastName is an attribute of UniversalRecordRetrieveReq.

    • With the release of Universal API 20.iv.2, Import Booking and Booking Call up support requests when the booking is a group (eastward.m., ten passengers or more). The universal tape locator and bones booking details are returned in the response.

      • Multiple retrieval of the PNRs is restricted due to the extended time it takes to retrieve group bookings, and an mistake message displays: "Retrieve Grouping Booking already in progress. Please try again later."

      • When the UR Import is successful, the associated cache, and expiration timeframe, is cleared.

  4. Enter @ViewOnlyInd to view a PNR in Universal Record format without saving it as a Universal Tape.

  5. Enter @RetrieveProviderReservationDetails to display provider details.

  6. Optionally, set @ReturnUnmaskedData="true" Release twenty.3


During the retrieval procedure, Universal API synchronizes any PNR information in the Universal Record with the bachelor data from the respective providers' latest versions of the PNR. Nevertheless, Universal API'southward power to update a given Universal Record and associated PNRs is dependent on the provider's or supplier's support of this functionality. Suppliers such as Low Price Carriers in ACH and rail providers in RCS exercise not typically back up stiff modify functionality, and may synchronize only a limited amount of the PNR data.

UniversalRecordRetrieveRsp returns the requested Universal Tape (UR) and synchronizes data in the UR with the provider PNR.

  • Every bit of Universal v48.0, the @Number, @TicketIssueDate, @TicketingAgentSignOn, and @IATANumber return in a single response every bit function of /TicketInfo and /ConjunctedTicketInfo in UniversalRecordRetrieveRsp/UniversalRecord/AirReservation/DocumentInfo/. Release 19.i

  • Schedule changes tin can be accepted for one or more air segments in the Universal Tape. Ticket data displays regardless of modifications to segments or the filed fare, cancellation of the filed fare, or cancellation of the Universal Record.

  • Synchronization of the Payment element in the UR Retrieve response is non supported. If a booking that incurred a charge is modified outside of Universal API, the original Payment data remains in Universal API, and may not lucifer the updated Payment data in the carrier's organization.

  • Fare Guarantee information to help identify the source of the quoted fare may be returned. See Fare Guarantees for details.

  • When whatever Universal request causes synchronization of Universal Record with host PNR, if the hotel segment in the Universal Record does not have property address, phone number, or property proper name, Universal API adds these details to the hotel reservation based on the hotel holding number in the Universal Record. This data is added in the UniversalRecord/HotelReservation/HotelProperty element.

  • If the Universal Record was imported and that PNR's owning PCC did not exist in Universal API, a dynamic target branch was automatically created for that PCC. The dynamic target branch information displays in UniversalRecord/AgencyInfo/AgentAction. For more information well-nigh how the dynamic target branch is created, see Importing PNRs.

  • The land code of the active PCC is returned every bit of Universal v48.0 to differentiate ARC (used for 1V reconciliation) PCCs from BSP (use for 1G reconciliation) PCCs, and from Worldspan (1P) PCCs. With this information, Travelport can enable the correct processing of reissues in Galileo, in United states PCCs, so that when repricing, results display in a netted (ARC) or non-netted (BSP) format. Release 19.1

  • For Galileo or Apollo, if invoice data is present, it is returned in the UniversalRecord/InvoiceData chemical element.

  • For Galileo or Worldspan, if the PNR has associated Miscellaneous Change Orders (MCOs), basic MCO information is imported. Meet Miscellaneous Change Orders for details.

  • The @NameNumber aspect ensures the Universal Tape Retrieve and Booking Think (ETR) transactions add the power to brandish Passenger proper name number for each passenger (Booking Traveler), which enables the ability to work with the booking in other channels. Release eighteen.3
    • This information returns in all responses where Booking Traveler information is returned.

    • This characteristic allows customers to identify the specific passenger location in a booking to exist used when cryptic entries must be used in back-end processing.

    • When a PNR is dissever, the Booking Traveler chemical element nonetheless stays in the UR. The name number is updated to reflect the GDS values and the proper noun number of the passenger, who are removed from the PNR, and is removed from the I Booking Traveler.

    • Example:<com:BookingTraveler Primal="Qm9va2luZ1RyYXZlbGVyMQ==" TravelerType="CNN" NameNumber="">


If you lot receive the faultNo provider reservation to import when trying to call back or import a PNR that does have a segment, information technology means that the segment is in a not-standard format that Universal API does not recognize. You can force the import/retrieve of the PNR by adding a memory segment in a format that Universal API recognizes (such equally a TVL segment).
