iseries see what lf are tied to a pf

AS400 Interview Questions and Answers

Q1. What does 'Every bit' in AS400 stands for?

Ans: Application organisation.

Q2. What is 'LPAR'?

Ans: Bone/400 Version four, introduced a feature LPAR (Logical PARtitioning) which facilitates running multiple operating systems simultaneously on one IBM System i unit ensuring that one OS doesn't interfere other's system resources/retentivity.

Q3. What is library is AS400? What are the types of library?

Ans:When we execute a command or call a program, the  AS/400  must know where to discover the command or program and the respond is library. A Library is a collection of objects. QSYS is the only library that contains other library. QSYS is the root library where the entire user defined/ system defined library is created. System supplied libraries brainstorm with the letter "Q" or "#".

Library list types:

Organisation library: All IBM supplied library due east.thou. QSYS, QHLPSYS, QUSRSYS…

Production Library: Whenever Ibm product is used it is added to the library automatically and is removed itself when the job completes.

Electric current Library: Current library is the working library i.eastward. all the piece of work done by you is stored in current library.

User Library: Non-IBM supplied i.east. created by the user.

Q4. Which library gets first loaded into the system when nosotros login?


Q5. Is QGPL a user library or organization library?

Ans: It's a user library.

Q6.How tin nosotros run into all the objects and its sizes in a library?

Ans: Past using the control DSPLIB.


It gives you the data of all objects that resides in the library with it size.

Brandish Library

Library  . . . . . . :   IROBO1          Number of objects  . :   8

Type . . . . . . . . :   PROD            Library ASP number . :   1

Create authority . . :   *EXCLUDE        Library ASP device . :   *SYSBAS

Blazon options, press Enter.

five=Display full attributes   8=Display service attributes

Opt  Object      Blazon      Attribute               Size  Text

PRINT1PGM   *PGM      RPGLE                 131072  rpgle plan for pri

Business relationship     *FILE     PF                     49152  ACCOUNT RELATED INFOR

PRINT1      *FILE     PRTF                    4096  PRINTER DDS RLU GENER

QCLSRC      *FILE     PF                      8192  Sources CL-Programs

QDDSSRC     *FILE     PF                      8192  DDS-Sourcen

QRPGLESRC   *FILE     PF                     69632

QRPGLESRC2  *FILE     PF                     65536

QRPGSRC     *FILE     PF                      8192  SOURCE PHYSICAL FILE


F3=Exit   F12=Cancel   F17=Meridian   F18=Bottom

Q7. What is source physical file?

Ans: Source concrete file is a file which contains the sources of unlike types of objects. There can be up to 32768 members. Source physical file is an object. But the source member is non an object. When we compile the member, the object is created for that source. Command used is CRTSRCPF.


Q8. How to come across all members of a file?

Ans: By using the command shown beneath:


Q9. How to see all record formats used in a file?

Ans: By using the command shown beneath:



Q10. How to modify the record size of a concrete file?

Ans: By using the command below:


We change the highlighted part to change the size of a file.

Change Physical File (CHGPF)

Type choices, press Enter.

Physical file  . . . . . . . . .                 Name

Library  . . . . . . . . . . .     *LIBL       Proper noun, *LIBL, *CURLIB

System . . . . . . . . . . . . .   *LCL          *LCL, *RMT, *FILETYPE

Source file  . . . . . . . . . .   *NONE         Name, *NONE

Library  . . . . . . . . . . .                 Proper name, *LIBL, *CURLIB

Fellow member size:

Initial number of records  . .   *SAME         one-2147483646, *NOMAX, *SAME

Increment number of records  .   *Same         0-32767, *Aforementioned

Maximum increments . . . . . .   *SAME         0-32767, *Aforementioned

Q11. How can we adapt duplicate records in a file?

Ans: For this we will use file level keywords FIFO/LIFO/FCFO in the physical file.

FIFO: The duplicate key records will retrieved in offset in first out social club.
LIFO: The duplicate key records volition retrieved in last in first out order.
FCFO: The duplicate fundamental records will retrieved in first inverse first out society.

Q12. How to refer another file to define a new field in a physical file?

Ans: below is an case, we are going to use the file REFER to get the field definition for new file.


Columns . . . :    ane  71           Browse                        AMINEM/DDSSRC

SEU==>                                                                   REFER

FMT PF .....A..........T.Name++++++RLen++TDpB......Functions++++++++++++++++++

*************** Beginning of information *************************************

0002.00      A          R REF

0003.00      A            RAC1           2P 0       COLHDG('LEVEL ID')

0004.00      A            RAC2           3P 0       COLHDG('ORG Lawmaking')

0005.00      A            RAC3          12P 0       COLHDG('Account NUM')

0006.00      A            RAC4           3A         COLHDG('Business relationship CURRENCY')

0007.00      A            RPOSTCODE      2P 0       COLHDG('Mail service Lawmaking')

0008.00      A            RCOUNTRY       3P 0       COLHDG('COUNTRY CODE')

0009.00      A            RNAME         20A         COLHDG('NAME')

0010.00      A            RDATE          3P 0       COLHDG('Appointment')

****************** Finish of data ****************************************

Now we tin can refer the file 'REFER' to take the field definition in the new file.

Columns . . . :    1  71           Scan                        AMINEM/DDSSRC

SEU==>                                                                  USEREF

FMT PF .....A..........T.Name++++++RLen++TDpB......Functions++++++++++++++++++

*************** First of data *************************************

0002.00      A                                      REF(REFER)

0003.00      A          R USEREF

0004.00      A            ACCLVL    R               REFFLD(RAC1 REFER) >>>>>>  field proper name and

0005.00                                             ALIAS(ACC_LVL_ID)     referred file proper name

0007.00      A            ACCORG    R               REFFLD(RAC2 REFER)

0008.00                                             Allonym(ACC_ORG_CODE)

0009.00      A            ACCNUM    R               REFFLD(RAC3 REFER)

0010.00                                             ALIAS(ACC_NUM)

0011.00      A            ACCCUR    R               REFFLD(RAC4 REFER)

0012.00                                             ALIAS(ACC_CUR)

0013.00      A            ACCNAME   R               REFFLD(RNAME REFER)

0014.00                                             Alias(ACC_NAME)

****************** End of data ****************************************

Q13. Can LEVEL Cheque ERROR occur if we exercise CHGPF?

Ans: It depends on the value that nosotros have set up for LVLCHK (Record format level cheque) attribute.If its value is *Yes then the record format level identifier is checked when the file is opened and if it doesn't friction match it throws the error. If its value is *NO, then the record format level identifier is non checked, hence no error.

Q14. What is logical file in AS400? What are the types of logical file?

Ans: Logical file

  • Logical file does non occupy any memory.
  • Ane or more logical file can be derived from a single physical file.
  • Information technology simply contains the tape selection definition and when accessed retrieves the records from the physical file to which it refers.
  • A logical file can comprise up to 32 record formats.
  • It selects records dynamically. It cannot be without a concrete file.
  • Nosotros can filter the data with criteria past usingselect andomit command.
  •  A logical file does not contain any data but provides the 'VIEWS' of the data to satisfy end-user's needs.

Q15. What is logical file in AS400? What are the types of logical file?

Ans: Logical file

  • Logical file does not occupy any memory.
  • One or more logical file tin can be derived from a single concrete file.
  • It but contains the tape selection definition and when accessed retrieves the records from the physical file to which information technology refers.
  • A logical file tin contain upward to 32 record formats.
  • It selects records dynamically. It cannot exist without a physical file.
  • Nosotros can filter the data with criteria past usingselect andomit command.
  •  A logical file does not contain any data only provides the 'VIEWS' of the information to satisfy end-user's needs.

Ü  Types of Logical file

In that location are two types:

1)Non-join logical file

2)Join logical file

 ane)  Non-join logical file

Non-join logical files can either be a unproblematic logical file, which contains only ane record format or a multiple tape format logical file, which contains more than ane Record format.

Logical files can exist derived from ane to 32 physical files and then a logical file tin can have a maximum of 32 record formats.

i)Unmarried record format Non-join logical file:

If a logical file is derived from unmarried physical file it is called uncomplicated logical file.

Columns . . . :    1  71           Browse                        AMINEM/DDSSRC

SEU==>                                                               MULTIFRMT

FMT LF .....A..........T.Proper noun++++++.Len++TDpB......Functions++++++++++++++++++

*************** Kickoff of information *************************************

0002.00      A          R Business relationship                   PFILE(AMINEM/ACCOUNT)

0003.00      A          K ACCOUNTNUM

0005.00      A          K ACCURRENCY

ü)Multiple record format Non-bring together logical file:

  • Multiple tape not-bring together logical files will select records from two or more concrete files by referring to only one logical file.
  • Each record format is ever associated with one or more than physical file.
  • The same PF tin be used in more than one record format.

Columns . . . :    1  71           Browse                        AMINEM/DDSSRC

SEU==>                                                               MULTIFRMT

FMT LF .....A..........T.Name++++++.Len++TDpB......Functions++++++++++++++++++

*************** Beginning of data *************************************

0002.00      A          R Account                   PFILE(AMINEM/Account)

0003.00      A          K ACCOUNTNUM

0005.00      A          Thou ACCURRENCY

0006.00      A          R TRANS                     PFILE(AMINEM/TRANS)

0007.00      A          Grand TACCOUNT

0008.00      A          K TCURRENCY

****************** End of data ****************************************

Q16. What is DYNSLT?

Ans:    DYNSLT: Utilize this file-level keyword to signal that the selection and omission tests specified in the file (using select/omit specifications) are done at processing time. This keyword specifies dynamic select/omit rather than access path select/omit.

Only a Concrete file contains data. Logical files but incorporate pointers for processing the data in a specific sequence and/or subset of data.
When a record is added/changed/deleted in a physical file, the system has to put a lock on information technology and then get out to bank check and update whatever logical files earlier it can release the lock. While the corporeality of time to exercise this is hardly measurable, it tin can be meaning if massive batch updates are done to a file.
If you are using the Select/Omit option in your DDS and using DYNSLT, the above process does not need to be done attape update fourth dimension.
Where this is beneficial is when your option procedure includes nearly all the records in the file. Now when yous process using DYNSLT, it volition read all the records in the file, but do the selection of which recordsto process at that time rather than having done all the maintenance ahead of time.

Q17. What is the Difference between access path and Dynamic select?

Ans: Dynamic select occurs whenever the program reads file. Simply admission path occurs before the file is read (but  non necessarily).

Q18. What is the use of JDUPSEQ in AS400?


This join–level keyword is used to specify the order in which records with duplicate bring together fields are presented when the JLF is read.

The format for this keyword is:

JDUPSEQ (Sequencing field-name [*DESCEND])

i) This keyword has no outcome on the ordering of records with unique keys.

ü)If *DESCEND is non specified then the default is sequencing in ascending order.

Bottom of Form

Q19. What is the employ of JDFTVAL in AS400?


  • When this file-level keyword is used the system provides default values for all for fields when a join to a secondary file does not produce any records.
  • If this keyword is not specified a record in the primary file for which there is no respective record in the secondary file is skipped.

Q20. What is the difference between non-join logical files and bring together logical files?


Non join logical file Join logical file
Nosotros can insert or delete or update records using non-logical file. Insertion, updating or deletion of records is non possible in join logical files.
DFU can be used to display non-join logical file. DFU is non available
1-32 tape format is specified Just 1 tape format can exist specified
Commitment command is used Commitment command cannot be used.

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Q21. What is the difference betwixt physical file and logical file?


                Concrete file Logical file
1. Occupies the portion of memory. It's containing information. Does not occupy any memory space. Does not contain any data.
2. A physical file contains one record format  A logical file tin can contain up to 32 record formats.
iii.Tin be exist even without LF Tin't exist without PF
four. If you lot delete a LF, the PF tin't be deleted If you delete a LF, the PF tin't be deleted
v.CRTPF command is used to create such object CRTLF command is used to create such type object

Q22. What are the record format field mapping options in CPYF?

Ans:Record format field mapping (FMT)


Fields with the same name in the from-file and to-file record formats are copied, and any fields in the to-file that practice not exist in the from-file format are set to the default value specified on the DFT keyword for the data description specification (DDS) of the to-file or nothing for numeric fields, blanks for graphic symbol fields, current date/time for date/time fields, or nada value for nothing-capable fields.

If *MAP is specified, *DROP can likewise be specified.


This value must exist specified for field-level mapping if any of the field names in the from-file record format exercise not exist in the to-file format. If *Driblet is specified, *MAP can as well be specified. When *DROP is specified, all the field names that exist in both tape formats must have the same attributes and relative positions in the from-file and to-file tape formats, or *MAP must also exist specified. Null values are copied.


If the tape formats of the database files are dissimilar, the copy functioning continues despite the differences. Record data is copied directly (left to right) from one file to the other. FMTOPT (*NOCHK) is required when copying all tape formats from a logical file with multiple formats (when RCDFMT (*ALL) is specified) to a physical file that is of the same type (source or data) as the from-file.


This value is used to copy between database files, from a source file to a information file, or from a data file to a source file. It is valid only when the from-file and to-file are different types (source and information).

Q23. What is the Difference betwixt CRTDUPOBJ and COPYF?

Ans: In CRTDUPOBJ for a logical file the created duplicate file will be also logical file and for a concrete file the created file will also be a concrete file. Even the record format identifier volition also be the same. While in case of COPYF, if we are copying a logical file then the created file be a concrete file not a logical file.

Q24. What is admission path in AS400?


Access path

i)  Admission path describes the order in which records are to be read.

ii) Access paths can exist kept on the organisation permanently (such as physical or logical file) or temporarily.

üi)  OPNQRYF command may create a temporary access path for use one fourth dimension, and so discard the admission path.

Q25. What are the types of access path? How to change the admission path of a file?

Ans: Types of Access Path

  • Arrival sequence access path
  • Keyed sequence access path
  • Inflow sequence access path

i) Sequentially, where each record is taken from the next sequential physical position in the file.

ü)Directly by relative records number, where the record number is identified past its position from the outset of the file.

  • Keyed sequence access path

i) It is based on the contents of the central fields equally defined in DDS. This type of access path is updated in the                                contents of a key field is inverse.

ü) There arethree ways of bounding the access path:




Q26. What is the default access path of a file?

Ans:If y'all practise non specify the type of maintenance for a file, thedefault isfirsthand maintenance.

Q27. What is the maximum number of fields that tin be in a file?

Ans: Maximum no of fields included in a PF is 8000.

Q28. Maximum no of parameter passed in a RPG?

Ans: Maximum no of parameter passed in RPG is 255.

Q29. Maximum no of parameter passed in a CL?

Ans: Maximum no of parameter passed in CL is forty.

Q30.What is compile fourth dimension array in AS400? Give instance of compile time array.

Ans: Compile fourth dimension array

  • The compile time array means the elements of the array will be loaded before the execution of the programs i.e. at compile time.
  • The value will be static.
  • We must declare in keyword command DIM (), CTDATA (), and PERRCD ().

DIM() represents the size of the array.

CTDATA() represents that it is compile time assortment.

PERRCD() represents the number of entries in one assortment record.

Dim =  row i* col j

e.g. PERRCD=2, NO. OF ROWS=three, Then DIM = PERRCD*NO. OF ROWS=6

  • We mention the array element just after the last statement of the program.

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Q31. What is assortment in AS400? What are the types of array?

Ans:Array is drove of elements of same data type.

Types of Assortment

ane)      Compile time array

2)      Pre-runtime array

three)      Run fourth dimension array

Q32.What is Pre run time array in AS400? Give example of Pre run fourth dimension assortment.

Ans: Pre-runtime array

  • There are some limitations of compile time assortment. E.yard. If we want to alter the value of an array element, nosotros need to make changes in the program source lawmaking where the array's element is defined and then recompile the program.
  • In pre-runtime array, nosotros maintain the array element in separate file. Hence, if we are making any change in array element nosotros can just change this file containing the array chemical element; we don't demand to compile the source programme once again and again every bit in compile time array.
  • The file that stores the array element must be defined in the F specs with 'T' every bit File Designation entry.
  • Record length is too a mandatory entry in F spec.

length of record = Perrcd *size of ane element

  • The file is opened at programme initialization. At that time the array loads from this external file.
  • To define the array in our program, we use keyword FROMFILE() instead of CTDATA().

Q33. What is data construction in AS400? What is the use of data structure?


  • Data construction in full general means a structure of unlike data type.
  • Information structure is specified in the Input Specification of an RPG 3 Programme whereas in RPG 1V we specify it in 'D' specification.
  • Information Structure is used-
  1. To break fields into subfields
  2. To Group fields
  3. To change the format of the field
  4. To Grouping not-face-to-face data into face-to-face format
  5. 5.To convert information.

Q34 . What are the types of data structure in AS400? Requite example of data structure?

Ans: Below are the types of data structures in as/400:

Q35. What is program status data structure(PSDS) in AS400? Requite example if PSDS.

Ans:A program condition data structure (PSDS) can be divers to brand program exception/mistake information bachelor to the program so that the necessary action can be taken for the unhandled exception. The exception /errors can beDivide by nothing, array index out-of-bound, Invalid Appointment, Time or Timestamp value. The PSDS must be defined in the main source section; therefore, there is simply one PSDS per module.

Q36. What is file data data structure(INFDS) in AS400? Requite example if INFDS.

Ans:A file information data structure (INFDS) can be divers for each file to make file exception/mistake and file feedback data available to the programme.

Q37. How tin we create subsystem in AS400?

Ans: Steps of creating the subsystem

i)Create Subsystem description (CRTSBSD)

First of all nosotros create subsystem description as below:

CRTSBSD   SBSD (AMINEM/MYSBSD) POOLS ((two *BASE)) MAXJOBS(2)  TEXT('My  subsystem description')

ii)Create Job queue (CRTJOBQ)

So we create a job queue as below:


3)Add Job Queue Entry (ADDJOBQE)

Once the job queue is created, then we attach the (ADDJOBQE) command, every bit follows:


MAXACT denotes the number of the jobs that can be procedure at the aforementioned time.

4)Create Class (CRTCLS)

Class defines the run time aspect e.k. Run priority, Time slice, Default wait time, Maximum temporary storage etc.


five)Add Routing Entry (ADDRTGE)


vi) Start Subsystem (STRSBS)


Q38. What is compiler directive in AS400? Give instance of compiler directive.

Ans: Compiler directive

  • Compiler directive is an teaching (directive) given to the compiler, to perform some specific task during compilation or to generate customize compiler list report subsequently compilation.
  • Compiler directive serve many purposes similar it is used to control the heading information in compiler list, to command the spacing of the compiler list, to include source argument from other source member, to practice a gratis course adding in our rpgle plan, to control the source records selection/omission based on some condition etc.
  • Compiler directives are:

(one)     /Gratis... /End-FREE

(2)      /TITLE

(3)     /Eject

(4)     /Infinite

(v)     /COPY or /INCLUDE

(vi)     /IF……/ELSEIF…. /ELSE…… /ENDIF

(7)     /EOF

Q39. What is data queue in AS400? Requite example of data queue.

Ans: Data Queue

  • Information technology is used for making asynchronous communication betwixt the two jobs. If nosotros are sending data from one job to another using information queue using QSNDDTAQ API, merely at that time the receiver job is not active, and then the data will be there in the queue and whenever the receiver job becomes active, it retrieves the information using the QRCVDTAQ API.
  • It facilitates fastest advice compared to when we apply other things to communicate like dataarea, message queue or database files.
  • It can however be used for synchronous communication likewise or within the same chore.
  • We utilise APIs to make communication e.g. QSNDDTAQ, QRCVDTAQ.
  • The content of the data queue is letters in free format.
  • The letters on the data queue is stored in *FIFO, *LIFO or *KEYED. *KEYED ways the letters can be retrieved using cardinal value associated with the letters. In instance of *KEYED nosotros demand to mention key length also.
  • First create the data queue by using CRTDAQ command
  • Data query is cipher but a queue in which are program can send a information and other program or the same program can receive the plan. QSNDDTAQ is stored in QSYS.
  • Nosotros can create data queue on local organization or on remote organisation by making the data queue type as *DDM. Past default information technology will exist *STD. In case of DDM data queue, we need to mention Remote data queue name(RMTDTAQ) and remote system name(RMTLOCNAME) besides as parameter.

Past using this command sent data same / another program.



By using this command receive data aforementioned /another program


Q40. What is FTP in AS400? What are the FTP commands in AS400?

Ans: Nosotros are using FTP in as400 to transport and receive data from/to remote organisation.

Below are the basic FTP commands in the transfer:

  • LCD directory-proper name: This command is used to change the Local system directory to directory-name.


LCD Library-name

LCD C:\binder\onpc\where\stuffis

LCD "C:\Program Files"

  • CD  directory-name: This command is used to change the Remote system directory to directory-name.

due east.g.

CD Library-name

CD C:\binder\onpc\where\stuffis

CD "C:\Program Files"

  • Get library/source-physical-file. Member-proper name: This command is used to fetch a file from remote system.



This can be used to fetch relieve-file also:


If Member SAV005 in file SAV005 in library QGPL already exists. Specify

Replace every bit a subcommand option equally shown beneath.

Go SAV005 (Supervene upon

  • MGET : It is used to fetch multiple file from remote organization, GENERIC IS Immune.


MGET aminem.*  aminem1.*

  • PUT : To send a file to remote system

due east.thou.


  • MPUT : To send multiple files to remote arrangement

It is used to fetch multiple file from remote system, GENERIC IS ALLOWED.


MGET aminem.*  aminem1.*

  • NAMEFMT (name formatting): Its value tin be 0 or 1, it has been explained below.

i)For working with standard library objects

ü)File identifiers accept 3 components: Library, File and member.

üi)Library and file components are separated by the / delimiter.

four)File and fellow member components are separated by the . delimiter.

v)Syntax: Library/file.member


PUT something.txt QGPL/QCLSRC.Examination


PUT something.txt QCLSRC.Test


i)For working with IFS objects (ie. All objects)

ü)Directory levels separated past the / delimiter.

üi)Database files utilise format: /QSYS.lib/Libname.lib/Fname.file/Mname.mbr

iv)Documents (files) stored in folders use format: /QDLS/folder/document.ext

v)CD / (puts y'all in the root IFS folder)

  • QUIT

Ends the FTP session with the remote computer and exits ftp.

  • Bye

Ends the FTP session with the remote computer and exits ftp.


i) It Sets the file transfer way to ASCII (Notation: this is the default manner for most FTP programs)

ü)ASCII  is a character-encoding scheme originally based on the English alphabet. ASCII codes represent text in computers, communications equipment, and other devices that use text. Well-nigh modern character-encoding schemes are based on ASCII, though they support many additional characters.


ftp> ascii

ftp> put d:\path1\filename1.txt

200 PORT control successful.

Opening ASCII style information connectedness for filename1.txt

226 Transfer complete

  • Binary

i)  It Sets the file transfer mode to Binary

ü) the binary way transfers all eight $.25 per byte and must exist used to transfer non-ASCII files or non-standard files e.g. zip file, tar file, paradigm file, .DAT file, save file, executable files, sound files, graphic files etc.


ftp> binary

ftp> put d:\path1\filename1.naught

200 PORT command successful.

Opening BINARY style data connexion for filename1.cypher

  • Quote

It volition transport an argument to the remote FTP Server. This statement is similar in purpose as the "LITERAL" statement.

  • Site

This parameter is used at the client organisation to transfer a part (via the LITERAL or QUOTE argument) to the host site.


Nosotros tin change the naming format to 0 with the command as shown below.

  • Open

  It opens a new FTP connection with some other organisation.


Open system-name[teaserbox blazon="5" img="2803" championship="Interested in Learning IOT" subtitle="Join myTectra" link_url="" target="blank"]

Q41. What are the journaling commands?

Ans: APYJRNCHG: Uses the journal entries to use changes that take occurred since a database file was saved or another specified fourth dimension.

CHGJRN: Employ this command to change the attributes of a journal or to adhere new journal receivers to a periodical.

CMPJRNIMG: This command compares and lists the difference between the earlier-prototype and afterward-image of a record, or between the current later-image of a record and the previous after-prototype of the record.

CRTJRN: Use this control to create a journal.

CRTJRNRCV: Utilize this command to create a journal receiver.

DLTJRN: Use this command to delete a journal.

DLTJRNRCV: Use this command to delete a journal receiver.

DSPJRN: This control displays or prints the journal entries that are in the journal receivers associated with the specified periodical. This command has outfile back up so you can list the journal entries to a database output file for further processing or assay.

DSPJRNRCVA: Use this command to display the attributes of a journal receiver.

ENDJRNPF: This command ends journaling for the specified physical file.

RCVJRNE: This command allows a specified user program to continuously receive periodical entries one at a fourth dimension as they are written to the journal. The beliefs is like to an exit program.

RMVJRNCHG: Use this control to remove changes that have occurred to a database file from a specified indicate in time to some previous bespeak in time (allowed but if earlier-images were recorded during the time).

RTVJRNE: Utilize this control to think a journal entry and place it in CL program variables.

SNDJRNE: Use this control to write user-defined entries to a journal (i.e., journal receiver).

STRJRNPF: Use this command to beginning journaling for the physical file.

WRKJRN: This command displays a menu from which you lot can perform many journal-related functions, such every bit organization-assisted recovery of journaled files.

WRKJRNA: This command displays the attributes of a journal and the associated receivers.


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